13. 11. 2020
Chelsea Grand Opening
New York, NY

We are very excited to announce the grand opening of our second New York location, 2nd STREET Chelsea! The store opening date is Saturday, November 21st 2020. 2nd STREET Chelsea is located on the West Side of Manhattan. It is a walkable distance to Madison Square Garden and the Fashion Institute of Technology. Around the area is a rising trend for second hand shopping, and we are excited to call the new location our home.Featured items will be from many of our other 2nd STREET stores. If you are in the area, we can't wait to see you at the grand opening. We will also have many of the store items available online. Thank you all very much for your support!
In celebration of the opening, we are launching a Gucci Promotion on the opening day. For more details, check it out here.
Address: 142 W 26th St
New York, NY 10001
Hours: 12pm to 7pm, Daily
Website: https://2ndstreetusa.com/
Online Shop: https://ec.2ndstreetusa.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2ndstreetusa/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2ndstreetusa/